Thursday, June 14, 2012

Bomb Diggity Dog.

My day off was amazing.  I spent a little while at the beach, window shopped in a really pretty area near the beach, got a pedicure, went to TJ Maxx and caught up on most of my TV shows!  And YES - I have incredibly white feet.  Turns out, that's what happens when you work 10-15 hour days in the sun, with tennis shoes on.  Although I didn't sleep in super late, it was still nice to not have to be up at 5 and have an entire day to myself.  It was also superb to be able to call my mom and dad and talk for a while! 
Yesterday, we had our formal dinner at the golf course.  We finally got to feel "pretty."  Even though we had very limited time to get ready, it was still nice to wear a dress.  Paula Creamer was the guest of honor.  She had the most beautiful Louis Vuitton heels on.  She did a great job speaking to the girls and wanted to answer any questions they had.  One of the girls even asked how she dealt with boyfriends - it was pretty amusing.  

Today was the 3rd round of the Rolex Girls Junior Championship.  I got to start on the 10 tee today!  I really enjoy starting, but some of the names are a little tough - I KNOW that I totally butcher some of the names and town.  Oops.  I did have the most peaceful morning after my morning assignment.  I sat and ate my amazing breakfast and watched the sun come up :) Concession has had the best food for us.  For breakfast we had turkey bacon (delic - my favorite ever), an egg white and cheese muffin, and greek yogurt with granola.  It was so yummy!  After I finished starting I had three groups to follow.  The day went fairly smoothy, but pace of play was over five hours.  It was slightly ridiculous.  I saw this funny looking squirrel today too.  For dinner, four of us went to a sushi restaurant.  It was delicious, to say the least.  
Tomorrow is the final round.  We have lots to tear down and pack in the trailer.  This means lots of work for Inventory Captain, Kiley.  Saturday we will leave for Weston, Fl.  It's only about three and a half hours away so we will leave here at 7 and head straight to the golf course to get to work.  The qualifier is on Sunday so we have lots of work to do.  I'm super excited to be in a new place again.  The ops girls get to stay in private housing - I even get to stay with a family by myself.  I'm a little nervous about it, but I have no doubt that it will be a great week!  
I'll leave you first with a picture from my morning...

And also quality pictures of Team 3 from the formal dinner photo booth! Bomb diggity. 

 Goodnight from Bradenton!

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