Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Long Overdue!

I'm a little late, but fully prepared to update everyone on my last couple weeks!  Looks like the last time I posted was about Rolex Girls Junior Championship.  The week was amazing.  Concession golf course is beautiful and I got to spend all week on it, and I got to see some pretty good golf.  The girl that took home the trophy finished -19!!  Whoa.  That score would have kicked butt in any tournament and on any tour.  I am so excited to see her play again this week.  After we broke down we loaded up (in the rain - again) and headed to Weston.  

I'm not even sure what we did in Weston.  The week went by so fast that I hardly remember being there.  I do however, remember my day off.  Jake and I had the day off together so we went to Fort Lauderdale to the beach - can you say sunburn?!  After the sunburn came the rain.  The second round was rained out.  Team 3 did get some quality nap time in while hanging out in HQ.  Because weather was still a potential threat, the last day was made up of two stipulated 9 hole rounds.  We sent the boys out on the front, and the girl out on the back.  After they finished the 9 holes, they switched, girls on the front, boys on the back.  Thankfully, the rain held off and we finished 18 holes.  Unfortunately, the rain didn't hold off the entire time we had to pack the trailer.  Yep - we are 3 for 3 on packing the trailer in the rain.  Lets hope that we don't have any rain this week.   By far the best part about Weston was the food.  We ate very well and the last night we were there we went to Jaxson's.  You walk into this place and you walk into a wall of candy - my kind of place.  After we stuffed ourselves we even ate ice cream!  I had bubblegum, it was delicious. 

Grilled cheese at Jaxson's!
We love FroYo!

Team 3 was sleepy in HQ!
I named them Turduckens.  Ugliest animals ever. 
 We left Weston a little after 7am on Friday and arrived here in Alpharetta, GA around 9:30ish.  Along the way I had Zaxby's for the first time.  It was actually pretty yummy!  Also, along the way, we got turned around and were heading south for 30 minutes - go figure.  After being turned around, we lost an hour and didn't get here until dark.  Our tournament director, Andrew Greenfield, even had to stand on the side of the road so we could see the entrance to the golf course.  We finally arrived and split up to go to our host homes.  We have courtesy cars this week so we are all able to get to and from wherever we need to go.  Last week I was staying with a family from Venezuela.  Their house was beautiful and they were very gracious to let me stay with them for a few days.  This week, Camille, Megan, Colleen and I are all in a house together.  The host family is from New York and are amazing! On Monday they grilled for our whole team - it was so nice to have two home cooked meals in a row.  Kyle's family had us over for dinner on Sunday night!

The Rolex Tournament of Champions is taking place at the Capital City Club - Crabapple Course.  I really wish I got to play this one.  There are lots of bunkers, 

but it also seems pretty open.  I've heard the greens will be the rough part of the rounds.  My team has been so lucky to be working both Rolex Invitationals this summer.  We have been fed exceptionally well.  Instead of a box lunch everyday, we have buffet breakfast and lunch - so spectacular.  Saturday we put up all the Rolex signage, a few tents, and did some other random tasks.  Sunday we stake and roped a toooon - ugh, but the course was set and ready for the practice round on Monday.  Today is the first round, but luckily, is also my day off!! Woot woot!!  I have done a whole lot of nothing.  I did leave the house for lunch and Target and will probably go for dinner, but it has been a super nice, much needed, relaxing day. 

One of the Backstreet Boys' house!
This is Akon's house!!!

2904 miles sinces Hays,

1 comment:

  1. Your post included so much that I forgot half my comments already! :)

    But...1) I want to eat at this Jaxson's place. 2) I hope I never see a turducken.
    3) I remember when Smoky looked like your rainy picture one time.
    4) I miss you.
