Saturday, June 2, 2012

What day is it?

Looks like my new bedtime is about 9pm!  I'm pooped!  We spent today and yesterday marking both golf courses, setting up tents, setting hole locations, stake and roping, cleaning coolers, and all sorts of random tasks that an AJGA Tournament requires.  I now have an appreciation for those who have put out-of-bounds markers in places that most wouldn't even look for their ball.  Kyle and I trekked through gunch and plants with amazing defensive mechanisms to hammer in white stakes.  Today, we even had to fix a couple from yesterday.  However, my duck shoes came in yesterday!   It was nice to not have to worry about my shoes getting wet or dirty.  

Tomorrow is the qualifier round.  We will leave the hotel at 5:45 to head to the course to set up registration, tee markers, fix banners, put up tent tops and lots of other small tasks that have to be done in the morning.  Camille and I will be in charge of registration!  After we are finished with registration and all the little things before the shotgun, I'll be in charge of four groups.  I will be their rules official if needed, keep up with any red cards if necessary and do anything that may come up in my groups.  At 5pm I will leave to pick up another AJGA staff member from the airport.  After the qualifier is over we will load up all our equipment and set it up again at Steelwood.  Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to post tomorrow!

Time for some shut eye! Night!

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