Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 3 - in the books.

Hello again! Day three is over and it's been a long, but good day.  Today we learned the specifics of marking a golf course, setting tees, and checking hole locations (aka holos).  We also dove right into the rules at 7am today.  If anyone was wondering, rules of golf are far less interesting than one may think (or maybe not). 

The best part about today was definitely bonding with my teammates!  In just three days we have inside jokes going, and a couple of nicknames down - just a few to go!  We get along great and are all starting to be more comfortable around each other.  Another awesome thing about today... we were not shuttled back to our hotel and now have Hutch and Tank to take if we need to run a short errand!! So we went to find some duck shoes after supper.  However, we had no luck! Back to DSW tomorrow.

At 10:45 I feel like it's way passed my bedtime...

Good night ya'll! (I think I may be getting a southern accent from being around my team - yikes!). 

1 comment:

  1. Kiley, this sounds like the best adventure ever. So glad you are sharing the experience with us!! Have fun--be safe!! Love you, Aunt Connie
