Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Saying goodbye to my glove tan and hello to a watch tan!

I think I start all my blogs with typing Wow, this week was crazy and then decide to delete it (sometimes not).  Today, I'm just going to go for it.  

Wow! This week was crazy!  The entire intern staff and full time staff ran our first tournament of the summer, the Preseason Junior at Chateau Elan.  Camille and I were assigned to follow a group together and be their rules officials and keep track of their pace of play.  We switched jobs each nine so we each got a chance to do both.  The first day we followed a group of boys and had no red cards, only one real ruling, and one great ruling/penalty call by Camille.  That made for an easy day!  The second/final round we were able to watch the girl's leader group.  We were both super excited, and it proved to be a great day with four great rounds, 71 (even par), 72, 75, and 76.  They could all kick my butt!!  After the final round we were able to get the course broken down rather quickly.  I guess that's what happens when you have 36 operations interns running around and helping out.  That night we all went for a celebratory drink at Jack's!  There were about 30 of us there taking up an entire deck in the back - so much fun!  It is crazy to think that we don't get to work with all the other great people we've been hanging out with all week, but I'm super excited to head to our first tournament with just Team 3. 

Today, my job as inventory captain went a little more in depth... we loaded our trailer.  All of our equipment was spread out in the basement, taking up way more room than a 16 foot trailer would cover.  Of course, with the help of the full time staff we are packed and ready to go!  Today was by far the easiest day of training, but I'm sure glad that our 10 long days are over.  Tonight, we had to do laundry again.  We didn't get lost on the way to the Laundry mat - thank goodness.  We had two Team 4 girls join us which made it a great big party!  Poor Kelli dried her cloths and some of them majorly shrunk!! (Lesson learned). 

At 8am tomorrow we will head out in Tank and Hutch for Loxely, Al.  The tournament is at Steelwood Country Club.  I've heard from other full time staff that it's absolutely beautiful, super secluded, and very private.  I'm so excited to see this place!! 


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