Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Adventure Starts Soon!

A few months ago in December, I came across the opportunity to apply for an internship with the American Junior Golf Association.  I had about two weeks after finals to get an application, personal bio, updated resume, cover letter, three recommendation letters, and a driving record sent off to Georgia.  After I finished that I had a Skype/phone interview and was invited to attend the Intern Recruiting Weekend in Atlanta and finally, I was hired as an Operations Intern. 
About a week ago I found out where my summer adventure would be taking me.  Needless to say, I was very excited!  This summer I will be traveling with eight other interns like me to about 10 different states (check out my map!).  We will travel to AJGA tournaments, setting them up and running other aspects of the tournament.  Not only do I get amazing travel opportunities in this internship, but they provide Polo Ralph Lauren uniforms, Under Armour shoes, and SunDog Sunglasses. How much better can it get?! Oh wait, I'm getting paid to do this. Talk about an amazing summer!
As my departure date nears I am getting excited, but also very nervous.  I keep trying to tell myself that every time I do something new I feel the same way and it always turns out okay. On Sunday, I'll board my plane in Wichita and be off to my summer with the AJGA! I plan to update this thing from every stop on our travels and maybe a couple from the road! 

0 miles so far,

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