Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"Shoot." I don't know what to do.

Whoa! I feel like I have so much to update and it's only day two!
Day One started with a welcome and we headed right into rules.  It's a good thing I know golf because rules would be a little harder if I didn't!  After a couple of other tasks we had lunch.  I think I may gain a couple pounds this week - boy are we fed well!  After lunch, I was so relieved we were able to go outside for the rest of the afternoon.  We learned all sorts of things like putting up tents, staking and roping, putting together trash wraps and A-frames, putting up banners, and putting out coolers.  I also learned I will be responsible for keeping inventory over the summer - yikes! To end the day we ate dinner with our mentors. Our mentors are full time staff members that are there for us to ask questions throughout the summer.  

Enough about day one.. Today was SO much better!

This morning, Rick from the driving academy came to HQ to teach us about driving with trailers.  We even had to take a test at the end - this was not your typical test.  First, the example test was from 1988 (maybe you had to be there, but we found this hilarious).  Second, if you picked the best answer you were correct and got 5 points.  If you picked a different answer, you could still be right, but not completely and just get 3 points.  The same thing happened for a 1 point answer and a 0 point answer. (We also found this quite amusing). 

But here's the exciting part!

Guess who drove a big pick-up with a trailer, Yukon, and backed a truck and trailer today - yep! That's right!  Kiley did it all!  I even had to drive during a short, but very heavy rain shower with the truck and trailer on the interstate.  That however, was not so much fun.  During our driving lessons we had quite the time as Team 3.  We have been giving one of my teammates, Camille, geography lessons.  In the last two days she has learned where Kansas is located, that Missouri is a state, that mountain time exists, and today she learned that Waffle House is just Waffle House, not The Waffle House.  She is quite a hoot!  Not only did we learn to drive the vehicles today, but we were assigned our vehicles for the road.  Team 3 will start with two pick-ups named Hutch and Tank.  We drive big, four door, GMC pick-ups - and yes, they have names.  In a couple weeks we will trade in one of our trucks for a brand new 2012 Yukon with heated and air conditioned leather seats and XM radio.  These babies are nice!!  The list for the name includes Snoop, Usher, and many many others! I guess we will see what they pick. Personally, I like Snoop!

OH!  How could I forget!!  Today was like Christmas morning at AJGA HQ.  We got our uniforms (right after Chik-fil-a for lunch!!). Sounds lame right?  Not so much.  Ralph Lauren polos and shorts, SunDog sunglasses from the Paula Creamer line (Hunter Mahan line for the boys), two pairs of Under Armour shoes (pink ones) and an AJGA hat! 


Basically, it's been a fantastic day.  From the last couple days I can tell just how great the AJGA is.  Everything is so thorough and organized - I could not be more impressed.  I feel so lucky for the opportunity to work here for the summer!  

My day starts with a shuttle at 6:45am tomorrow! So good night - stay posted for more :)

1,104 plus a few odd miles later,

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