Sunday, May 20, 2012

Goodbye KS, Hello GA!

Welcome to Braselton, GA - home of AJGA headquarters!  

After a nice, easy flight I've made it to my home for the next 10 days or so.. Country Inn and Suites.  I've met a few people from my team and am anxious to meet the rest tomorrow at our first day of training.  My day will start bright and early at 7:15 and if it's anything like the Intern Recruiting Weekend it won't end until about 9pm. 

I've learned a few things since I've been here about the upcoming week, but we won't know everything until tomorrow.  I do know that driving training will be Tuesday.  All you boys who don't think I can't drive a big truck (pick-up) and trailer - you are about to be proven wrong!  I've also learned why my teams splits.. and it makes perfect sense.  I am very excited to see where I will be on our split week, and also very excited to find out about all of the other tournaments we will be at.  

I don't have too much interesting stuff to share tonight, but I'll be updating later this week.  For now, I'm hoping this massive headache will go away and I'll wake up ready for a day full of training!

1104 miles down,


  1. Wow Kiley, what an adventure you have planned for this summer. It sounds like an amazing opportunity for you, that will give you the qualities and experience needed for your professional career in the near future.
    I just graduated from OU last weekend and am still in the job hunt -- hoping to hear from some companies soon.
    I'll keep up with your travels here on your blog.
    Looking forward to your posts!


  2. Kiley-

    You are such an amazing person inside and out...not too mention those sweet golf moves! :) You have been blessed with an amazing opportunity and I have no doubt that you will succeed at everything along the way. They are lucky to have you on board!

    I'm excited to read your posts along the way. Congrats Kiley, you deserve the best!

